A skilled and profound academician and administrator with more than 36 years of experience in teaching and academic administration. Joined teaching as a career in the year 1984 and since then, have been building class room skills and organizational capabilities. Have always approached people and matters with a positive and realistic attitude, as per the need of today’s fast changing times. Imbibed the implications of academic aspects, applying them to various corporate and practical situations, and taking them to the class room as experiential teaching.
Looking forward to uphold the standards of ethical teaching, research and administration, to contribute to society through value based, total quality education.
She has held many administrative positions in the University like Dean Academic Affairs, Dean of Colleges (B.Ed.), Dean Faculty of Education, Dean Haryana School of Business, Director, Haryana School of Business Coordinator, Dean Faculty of Education, GJUS&T, Hisar Chairperson, Department of Electrical Engineering, GJUS&T Hisar. Chairperson of Board of Governors, Haryana School of Business, G.J.U.S & T, Hisar Chairperson of Departmental Research Committee, Haryana School of Business (HSB), GJUS&T Hisar. Director of BOS & R, Haryana School of Business, GJUS&T Hisar. SC/ST Coaching Centre for NET (UGC), and so on. She is Member Coordinator of NAAC Peer Teams, UGC Bangalore.
She joined teaching as career in the year 1984 and since then her classroom skills and organizational capabilities have been the major factors of her success and popularity as a teacher and as an administrator. Her approach to men and matters has been positive and realistic, which is the need of the fast growing present world. Her area of specialization includes Marketing, Business Legislation, Logistics Management and Industrial Marketing. She has not only taught these courses in the classroom but has studied at length various implications of these aspects in various industrial situations. She has authored 09 books in the area of management. She has published around 100 research papers in various journals of national and international repute and presented around 100 research papers in various national and international seminars/conferences. She is and has been a nominated member on more than 45 Academic/Administrative Bodies/Committees within and outside the University including Member of Executive Council, Academic Council, University Court, Establishment Committee, Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Finance Committee etc. She has also completed two UGC sponsored projects. She is and has been the Member/Editor/Editor-inChief of Board of various reputed national and international journals. She got “Bharat Jyoti Award” (by India International Friendship Society, New Delhi in 2006), “Rashtriya Gaurav Award” (by India International Friendship Society, New Delhi in 2012), “Best Citizen of India Award” (by Best Citizen Award Publishing House, New Delhi in 2012), “Best Professor in Marketing Management” (by Dainik Bhaskar National Education Leadership Award, Mumbai in 2013), “Bharat Gaurav Award” (by India International Friendship Society, New Delhi in 2016), “Best Citizen of India Award” (by International Publishing House, 2017), “Best Research Paper Award” on the paper titled “Influence of Promotional Tools Offered by Pharmaceutical Industry” presented in National Conference on “Research Paper Presentation Designing and Implementing Marketing Strategies” (organized by All India Management Association Centre for Management Education on 22nd May, 2007) and“Best Paper Award” on the paper titled “An Empirical study of Consumer Perception towards Plastic Currency and Determination of E-Banking Adoption: An Indian Context” presented in National Conference on “Demonetization: Demystified” (organized by School of Management, Delhi Technical Campus on 9th February, 2018).
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