Indian Higher Education is in need of radical reforms. A focus on enforcing higher standards of transparency, strengthening of the vocational and doctoral educational pipeline and professionalization of the sector through stronger institutional responsibility would help in re-prioritizing efforts towards excellence. To achieve this aim MHRD has taken an initiative to establish a ranking agency for quality assessment.

The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was launched on 29th September 2015 by MHRD to rank Higher Educational Institutions in the Country based on objective, verifiable criteria to promote competitive excellence in the higher educational institutions. For the use of the participating institutions (institutes accredited/affiliated to the AICTE/UGC) a web based platform has been set up, in which the institutions are invited to register themselves.

Ranking promotes competition among the Universities and drives them to strive for excellence. The rankings assume significance as performance of institutions has been linked with “Institutions of Eminence” scheme. Only Higher Educational Institutions currently placed in the top 500 of Global Rankings or top 50 of the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) are eligible to apply for the eminence tag. Institutions with the eminence tag would be allowed greater autonomy without having to report to the University Grants Commission (UGC). They would be able to admit foreign students and recruit faculty from abroad, and follow a flexible course and fee structure to enable them to vault to the ranks of the top Global Institution. The private Institutions of Eminence can also come up as ‘greenfield ventures’ - provided the sponsoring organization submits a convincing perspective plan for 15 years.

The parameters used for ranking broadly cover :

  • Teaching, Learning & Resources (30% Weight in Total Score)
  • Research and Professional Practice (30% Weight in Total Score )
  • Graduation Outcomes (20% Weight in Total Score)
  • Outreach and Inclusivity (10% Weight in Total Score)
  • Perception (10% Weight in Total Score)

The Educational Institutions across the Country were ranked in nine categories –Overall, Universities, Engineering, Colleges, Management, Pharmacy, Medical, Architecture and Law

As Industry and Services sector in India would require a gross incremental work force of 250 million by 2030. Given the expected socio economic scenario in 2030 India would need a robust Higher Education System that can deliver on multiple imperatives. To achieve the envisioned state in 2030 transformational and innovative interventions would be required across all levels of the Higher Education system.NIRF plays a key role in identifying the top level institutions which can occupy a prominent place among higher educational institutions globally.

Workshop Overview

The focus of governments for the past few years has been to achieve three important goals – “access, equality and excellence”. Although substantial progress has been made over the years a lot more needs to be done to achieve all the three goals, particularly on the excellence front. The Ministry of HRD and regulatory bodies have initiated a series of reforms and have also introduced several schemes to bring ‘quality’ to the top agenda of Indian Higher Education.

This workshop aims to cover the following objectives to strengthen the quality enhancement measures of higher educational institutions, accordingly technical sessions have been designed.


    • To bring awareness about the parameters with relative weights.
    • To bring awareness on innovative and best teaching learning practices for enhancing knowledge and employable skills of the students.
    • To bring awareness about the quality research publications and patents.
    • Deliberations on inclusivity and diversity in ranking process.
    • Discussing different outreach programs with national priority for better ranking.
    • Explaining the methods to enhance the perception levels of peers and other stakeholders of Higher Educational Institutions.


    • To understand the innate value of the data.
    • For Data interpretation
    • To ensure data consistency.
    • To get clarifications on queries and apprehensions on NIRF parameters.
    • To gain real time experience for predictive analysis.


      • Building-up capacity for data capturing
      • SWOC analysis
      • Gap analysis for remedial purposes.
      • Encourage peer comparison
      • Exploration of the best practices

Registration Closed


18th &19th January 2021


09-00 AM - 09-00 PM



Inaugural & Valedictory Guests

Sri. Navin Mittal, IAS

Commissioner, Collegiate Education &
Technical Education Department,
Govt. of Telangana, Hyderabad.

Dr. NV Ramana Rao

Director NIT Warangal.

Dr. Shashi Bala Singh

Director, NIPER, Hyderabad.

Dr. Yajulu Medury

Vice Chancellor, Mahindra University, Hyderabad.


Dr. K. Satheesh Kumar Reddy

Orthodontist, Lenora Institute Of Dental Sciences.

Devi Prasad T. V.

Head-Placements, IIIT-Hyderabad.

Prof. N.J. Rao

Consultant, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,

Dr. Raghava Dutt Mulukutla

Director & Chief of Spine Surgery Dept., Udai Omni & Apollo Health City, Hyderabad.

Prof. D.V.S.S. Siva Sarma

Professor (HAG) & Head, Centre for Training & Learning, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.

Dr. Irala Lokanandha Reddy

Associate Professor, MBA (SKU), Ph.D. (Management- JNTUH),  FDP(IIM Ahmedabad) Corporate Finance, Investment Analysis, Spreadsheet Modelling,  Financial Modelling &  Business Analytics

K.R. Srivathsan

Professor (Retd.) IIT Kanpur Former Director, Chinmaya Institute of Technology, Kannur - Kerala

Prof. S. Ramachandram

Vice-Chancellor, Anurag University. Former Vice-Chancellor, Osmania University, Hyderabad.

Maj. Gen. Dr. S.S. Dasaka

CEO, JB Group of Educational Institutions, Hyderabad.

Dr. S. V. Kota Reddy

Vice Chancellor, VIT-AP University.

Dr. Meena Krishnakar Chintamaneni

Pro Vice-Chancellor, NMIMS University.

Dr. E.G. Rajan

Director (President) and Founder, Pentagram Research Center and Med Vision Pvt. Ltd, USA.

Dr Srinivasa Rao Pulijala

CEO, Apollo MedSkills Limited

Dr. Yajulu Medury

Vice Chancellor, Mahindra University, Hyderabad

Dr. Sohan Chitlange

Principal & Professor Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research, Pimpri, Pune.

Dr. T. Subramanyeshwar Rao


Dr. Sadasivuni Lakshminarayana

Former Regional Officer, North West Regional Office, AICTE, Chandigarh.

Prof. B. Raja Shekhar

Former Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Hyderabad.

Dr. Kasturi S Vijaya Sekhar

Head, Statistical Cell, IIIT Hyderabad.

Dr. Mangala Sunder K

Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Madras.

Awareness Workshop NIRF INDIA RANKINGS - 2021 For Higher Educational Institutions

Day - 1 (18-01-2021)

Time Technical Session Topic Cheif Guest / Guest of Honour / Speaker / Resource Person
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Categories : all

Chief Guest: Sri Navin Mittal, IAS
Commissioner, Collegiate Education & Technical Education Dept. Goverment of Telangana, Hyderabad.

Guest of Honour: Dr. Shashi Bala Singh
Director, NIPER, Hyderabad.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. NV Ramana Rao
Director NIT Warangal.

Guest of Honour: Dr. Yajulu Medury
Vice Chancellor, Mahindra University, Hyderabad.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

NIRF Overview

Categories : all

Stakeholders Expectations - Future Challenges to Higher Educational Institutions in India: A Perspective

Dr. Yajulu Medury
Vice-Chancellor, Mahindra University, Hyderabad.

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

NIRF Overview

Categories : all

NIRF - A Wakeup Call to Higher Educational Institutions

Dr. SV Kota Reddy
Vice-Chancellor, VIT-AP.

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Lunch Break

02:00 PM - 03:30 PM

Methodology & Metrics

Categories : University, Management, Degree College

(Streams: University, College, Management)

Prof. B. Raja Sekhar
Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Hyderabad.

Methodology & Metrics

Categories : Medical, Pharmacy, Dental

(Streams: Medical, Dental, Pharmacy)

Dr. Meena Krishnakar Chinthamaneni
Professor & Registrar, NMIMS University.

Methodology & Metrics

Categories : Engineering

(Streams: Engineering)

Dr. Siva Sarma DVSS
Professor (HAG) Department of Electrical Engineering NIT, Warangal.

03:30 PM - 04:00 PM

Rank Analysis

Categories : Engineering

(Streams: Engineering)

Dr. Ram Prasad
Principal, Sphoorthy Engineering College

Rank Analysis

Categories : University, Management, Degree College

(Streams: University, Management, College)

Dr. M. Kamala Rani
Chief Academic Guidance Officer, IAE.

Rank Analysis

Categories : Medical, Pharmacy, Dental

(Streams: Medical, Dental, Pharmacy.)

Dr. S.P. Venu Madhava Rao
Professor & Hod, Dept. of ECE, Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College, Hyderabad.

04:00 PM - 04:15 PM

Tea Break

04:30 PM - 05:00 PM

DCS Analysis

Categories : all

(Streams: All)

Dr. Kasthuri Srinivasa Vijaya Sekhar
Head, Statistical Cell Outreach Office, IIIT-Hyderabad.

05:00 PM - 05:30 PM

Action Plan & Strategy

Categories : all

Improve NIRF Rank with Incessant Endeavors

Dr. Sadasivuni Lakshminarayana
Former Regional Officer, North West Regional Office, AICTE, Chandigarh.

05:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Q&A Session
Categories : all

Panel Discussion

Day - 2 (19-01-2021)

Time Technical Session Topic Cheif Guest / Guest of Honour / Speaker / Resource Person
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Quality Enhancement Measures

Categories : all

Quality through Accreditation

Prof. NJ Rao
Consultant, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Quality Enhancement Measures

Categories : all

An Integrated Approach for Excellence in Research, Publications, Patents and Professional Ethics.

Prof. EG Rajan
Director (President) and Founder, Pentagram Research Center and Med Vision Pvt. Ltd, USA.

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Quality Enhancement Measures

Categories : University, Management, Engineering, Pharmacy, Degree College

Enhancing Ranking of Colleges and Employability of Students by Effective Systems of Collaboration of Teachers and Integration of digital Learning in Courses. (Streams: University, Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Degree College)

Dr. K.R. Srivathsan
Professor (Retd.) IIT Kanpur Former Director, Chinmaya Institute of Technology, Kannur - Kerala

Quality Enhancement Measures

Categories : Medical, Dental

Technology Integration into Medical Education (Streams: Medical, Dental)

Dr. Srinivasa Rao Pulijala
CEO, Apollo MedSkills Limited.

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Lunch Break

02:00 PM - 02:30 PM

Outreach and Inclusivity

Categories : all

Strategies for Higher Score in Outreach and Inclusivity.

Major General Prof. Dr. S.S. Dasaka, SM, VSM (Retd),
CEO, JB Group of Educational Institutions and Former Vice Chancellor of Indus University and Baddi University of emerging Sciences and Technology

02:30 PM - 03:00 PM


Categories : all

Initiatives to Enhance the Institution Perception

Prof. S. Ramachandram
Vice-Chancellor, Anurag University. Former Vice-Chancellor, Osmania University, Hyderabad.

03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Case Study & Perception

Categories : Engineering

Case Study - Insights into NIRF Ranking of IIT Madras, Chennai. Perception - A step ahead strategy for the collaboration & Networking of the Industry and Institutions. (Streams: Engineering)

Case Study - Insights into NIRF Ranking of IIT Madras, Chennai. Perception - A step ahead strategy for the collaboration & Networking of the Industry and Institutions. (Streams: Engineering)

Dr. Mangala Sunder Krishnan
Professor, Dept., of Chemistry IIT-Madras, Chennai.

Mr. Devi Prasad TV
Head-Placements, IIIT-Hyderabad.


Categories : Management, Degree College

Initiatives to Enhance the Institution Perception (Stream: Management, Degree Colleges)

Initiatives to Enhance the Institution Perception (Stream: Management, Degree Colleges)

Dr. Lokanandha Reddy Irala
Associate Professor, School of Management, UoH, Hyderabad.

Dr. M. Kamala Rani
Chief Academic Guidance Officer, IAE.


Categories : Pharmacy

Best Practices to enhance the ranking of Pharmacy Institutions. Case Study by Dr. Pankaj Singh, Assistant Professor, NIPER, Hyderabad (Streams: Pharmacy)

Best Practices to enhance the ranking of Pharmacy Institutions. Case Study by Dr. Pankaj Singh, Assistant Professor, NIPER, Hyderabad (Streams: Pharmacy)

Dr. Sohan Chitalange
Principal & Professor, Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research, Pimpri, Pune.

Dr. Pankaj Singh
Assistant Professor, NIPER, Hyderabad.


Categories : Dental

(Stream: Dental)

Dr. K. Satheesh Kumar Reddy
Orthodontist, Lenora Institute Of Dental Sciences.


Categories : Medical

1) Quality Medical Education - Student Outcomes 2) Research and Publications for Academic Excellence (Stream: Medical)

1) Quality Medical Education - Student Outcomes 2) Research and Publications for Academic Excellence (Stream: Medical)

Dr. T. Subramanyeshwar Rao
Director of Oncology Dept., Basavatarakam, Indo-American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Hyderabad

Dr. Raghava Dutt Mulukutla
Director and Chief of Spine Surgery, Udai Omni Hospital, Hyderabad.

Categories : University

Perception (Stream: University)

Perception (Stream: University)

Prof. Murali Mohan Narasipuram
Director-Planning and Strategy, IAE.

Prof. B. Raja Sekhar
Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Hyderabad.

04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Q&A - Valedictory
Categories : all

Q&A - Valedictory

Q&A - Valedictory

Who can Participate?

The Senior Academic Members, Members of IQAC / NIRF can participate in the workshop.

  • Universities
  • Engineering Colleges
  • Management Institutions
  • Medical / Dental Colleges
  • Pharmacy Colleges
  • Degree Colleges
  • Law Colleges
  • Architecture Colleges
  • Agriculture Colleges


Institute for Academic Excellence
#3-6-692, Street No.12, Himayathnagar,
Hyderabad - 500029, Telangana.
Ph: +91-9177144377, 9618739900.
