Dr. A.B - completed his graduation in 1978 in B.Sc with Chemistry, Physics and Geology from Madurai University. He did his M.Sc in Geology from Annamalai University in 1980. He started his career as an Asst. Professor at V.O. Chidambaram College, Tuticorin, from January 1981 and worked till 1994.
During this period of service at Tuticorin, he was selected by the Govt. of India and sent to Queensland, Australia, ( through the BOYSCAST fellowship of DST ) for doing the Post Doctoral Research (Numerical and Experimental Simulation), in the Civil and Systems Engineering Dept of James Cook University of North Queensland, Australia.
After his return, he joined as Professor of earth science at the University of Mysore in 1994 and is still continuing his service. In between, he also served at Pondicherry Central University, as Pro-Vice Chancellor, from 2008 to 2010 (Director- Culture and Cultural Relations).
He has carried out a lot of research projects, and guided many Ph.D students. He has conducted more than a dozen National and International programmes. Acted as Resource person in about 100 academic staff college sessions.
He initiated establishing a lot of institutions in four to five universities.
He has developed curriculum for more than 20 PG Degree and PGDIP, Dip. courses in several south Indian Universities.
The salient accomplishment of Prof A.B are:
1. Special Officer- Planning and Development, at the University of Mysore- introduced ICT in administration in 1998. Created databases, conducted NAAC, etc
2. Founder Director- Centre for Information Science and Technology(CIST), Univ. Mysore- in 1999
3. HOD, Dept. of Studies in Earth Sciences, Univ. of Mysore- year 2002-2003
4. Director- Educational Multimedia Research centre, Univ. of Mysore ( 2 tenures) (2004-2007 & 2010-2012)
5. Director-(Pro Vice-Chancellor Cadre), Pondicherry(Central) University, Puducherry UT- established Media Centre, FM C Radio stations, Started Two PG Degree courses in Media
6. Administered many sections including Directorate of Distance Education, Community College, Library resources, Solarisation, Cultural events, Started add -on courses in 26 subjects.
7. Acted as In-charge VC on several occasions in Pondicherry University from Jan. 2008. April 2012. Member of Executive Council, Academic Council, Finance Committee, Building Committee, Deans Committee, Cadre and Review Committee, Deptl. Promotion Committee, E-governance, procurement of software and equipment.
8. UNESCO Consultant to Maldives
9. UGC Consultant for e-governance, member of several UGC committees(50 to 60) and Chairman for 5 committees( Computer Centres in Universities, etc)
10. Principal Investigator of 11 major projects, funded by the Government of India, especially, DST, ISRO, DRDO, NWDA, MHRD, UGC,MUDA, etc. Total Outlay is Rs. 10 crores.
11. Project proposal Evaluator in DST & State Council for Sci & Technology-Kerala
12. Author of 7 books.
13. Published 155 research papers and 150 Technical reports in earth science and other subjects.
14. Guided 22 scholars for their Ph.D under my guidance in earth science, environmental science and electronic media.
15. Designed 50+ career oriented courses and conducted them effectively in universities
16. Worked as Chairman/ member of hundreds of committees in Higher Education at local and National Level.
17. Dean-College Development Council (I/C) of Pondicherry Univ. and looked after the Affiliated Colleges -Carried out all affiliation works of 120 colleges( Pondicherry University).
18. Dean (I/c) in School Boards for Medicine, Law, Science and Technology
19. Member of Executive council/ Academic Council/ Finance Committee for 3 Central Universities
20. Member of the Governing Board of INFLIBNET, Member of NLIST, DTH Committee of MHRD, Adv comm of IGNOU TV channel
21. GB member of UGC's Consortium for Education Communication-UGC
22. Member/ member Co-ordinator/ Chairman of NAAC Peer Team for more than 150 institutions during the last 16 years.
23. Member of UGC visiting Committees for Deemed Universities-5.
24. Developed more than 500 video lessons and educational films which were shown in DD, Gyan Darshan. Developed 200s' of E-content modules as subject expert in Earth Sciences.
25. Established institutions at five universities.
26. Visited several countries to establish MoUs with the Universities( Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Maldives, Denmark, France, etc).
27. National level Subject Co-ordinator for E-PG Pathshala in Earth Sciences.
28. Former Member of the Executive Council of the Central University of Jharkhand.
29. Former member of the Academic Council of the Central University of Haryana.
30. Member of Selection Committee of Professors, Associate Professors, Asst. professors, other posts, of 60 Boards of Appointments in several Universities.
31. 32. B.Sc First rank in Madurai Kamaraj University – 1978 – got Sri. M. Bakthavatsalam’s Medal/Prize
32. M.Sc First rank – Annamalai University – 1980- Prof. T. N. Muthuswami Iyer’s Gold medal
33. State level Medal for Painting competition-1979- Annamalai University.
34. Praja Ratna Award –2002- Karnataka Media Academy awarded through The Praja matha.
35. He is the Recipient of Vikram Sarabhai Life Time Achievement Award of UGC, for my academic contributions in educational communication-2008.
36. He is the recipient of Dr.Abdul Kalam Life time Achievement National Award-2017.
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