Prof. D. Chamundeeswari graduated from Madras Medical College, Chennai, a GATE scorer, completed M.Pharmacy in Pharmacognosy specialisation and Ph D from The Tamil Nadu Dr. M G R Medical University, have a total of 30 years of teaching experience. Started her career as as Lecturer, elevated to Principal at SRIHER. Currently she is Professor and Coordinator of Internal Quality Assurance Cell, expert member in Siddha Pharmacopeoial committee for contribution towards development of Siddha Pharmacopoeia, Chairperson subcommittee, PG Curriculum committee, Pharmacy council of India.
Department of Science and Technology
Life Science Research Board, Defence Research and Development Organisation
Department of Biotechnology- North Eastern Region
Department of AYUSH
Ministry of Human Resource and Development
Awards / Special Achievements / Expertise related to NIRF India Rankings:
1.‘Best Teacher Award’ in C. L. Baid Metha College of Pharmacy for the year 1995
2.‘Best paper award’ in the Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at Hyderabad, December 2000
3.Young scientist award from Dept. of Science and Technology, SERC division under ‘Fast Track Scheme of Rs.15, 42,000/- from 2007- 2010.
4.Outstanding service award 2014 by Society for Ethnopharmacology, India
5.Best research journal publication award by SRU in 2012.
6.Dr. Sergio G. Litewka Gold Medal for filing Indian patent from Sri Ramachandra University in 2015
7.Best Academician of the year 2021, Centre for Education Growth and Research, New Delhi
8.Expert Member, Siddha Pharmacopoeial Committee, Central Research Institute for Siddha, Arumbakkam, chennai
9.Member, NAAC Peer Team, Bangalore
10.Chair person, Scientific Services Committee, 71st Indian Pharmaceutical congress, Chennai
11.Inspector by Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi.
12.Sectoral working member for Pharmacy Manual,NAAC,Bangalore.
13.As a Trainer Associate and Master trainer for trainers for UGC sponsored workshop for the modules on “Women and Research”, “Women and governance”, in Capacity Building of women Managers in Higher Education.
14.Co-ordinator, Society of Ethnopharmacology, Chennai chapter
As nodal officer of SRIHER for documentation and submission of NIRF ranking for the past 5 years
Institute for Academic Excellence
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Email: info@iae.education, naac@iae.education,
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