· My primary responsibility is to direct R&D operations of Computational Sciences (CS) at The Jackson Laboratory. CS works with our collaborators and partners at all campuses of The Jackson Laboratory and the expertise of CS spans the whole landscape of bioinformatics.
· My research interests are in developing and applying statistical bioinformatics methods, machine learning algorithms and network biology approaches to understand disease biology and model biological processes such as cell division cycle and DNA replication. We mine integrative heterogeneous omics data analysis and modeling as basis for our research.
· Research Interests: Statistical bioinformatics, computational biology and predictive genomic medicine.
· Education and Experience: PhD in computer science and >15 years of post-doctoral research, collaborative and managerial experience in statistical bioinformatics, computational biology and predictive genomic medicine. Significant experience and impact in machine learning and information filtering. Expertise in bioinformatics and statistics relevant software packages.
· Research Leadership: 70 peer-reviewed and invited publications, member of editorial boards and program committees of international journals and conferences, and invited presentations at international workshops and conferences. Obtained multiple grants funded as a co-investigator or a collaborator in USA and Singapore. >6300 citations, h-index=26 and i10-index=38 (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5X7hVbsAAAAJ&hl=en); ~400 impact points (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/RK_Murthy_Karuturi).
· Supervision & Mentoring: I have mentored and supervised 45 bioinformatics analysts, scientists and engineers including PhD students as well as post-doctoral fellows/scientists, and 25 MS/BS project students with varying backgrounds in bioinformatics, statistics, engineering and biology.
Professional Experience
· Oct’2012-till date Director, Computational Sciences The Jackson Laboratory, USA
· As Director of Computational Sciences, I manage and guide research, collaborative and administrative operations of the Computational Sciences department at The Jackson Laboratory. Computational Sciences’ research and collaborations span entire spectrum of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology relevant to both fundamental and translational biomedical research carried out across three campuses of The Jackson Laboratory. It consists of 30 staff including 16 doctoral (PhD) scientists and software engineers operating on two campuses of The Jackson Laboratory (Maine and Connecticut).
Specific recent achievements are:
· Developed quasi-academic collaborative R&D program for Computational Sciences.
· Contributed to multiple successful research grant applications and publications
· Defined and implemented strategy for structure, staffing and recruitment,and finance model for Computational Sciences.
· Successfully recruited and integrated 15 doctoral (PhD) scientists and software engineers.
· Defined and managed multi-site research and collaborations of CS.
· Directed cross functional collaborative R&D conducted by computational sciences group across various disease biology domains, business units and partnerships.
· Overseen the team to successful delivery of all aspects of Clinical Genome
· Informatics towards CLIA within 6months and CAP certification in the next 1year.
· Overseen the team to successful delivery of all aspects of PDX Informatics at JAX including key role in In Vivo services.
· Successfully co-organized JAX-UConn/BCAT/UCHC Joint Workshop on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at UConn-Storrs.
· Mentored students of varying background education in genomics and informatics
Jan’2004-Sep’2012 Senior Research Scientist & Principal Investigator
Computational & Systems Biology
Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore
Jan’2003-Dec’2003 Research Scientist
Computational & Systems Biology
Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore
As a Scientist & PI at the Genome Institute of Singapore, I have successfully Established multitude of research collaborations throughout the institute and other Research entities in Singapore. The specific accomplishments are,
· Developed lab of Predictive Biology
· ~60 research publications and patents filed
· Supervised and mentored 11 bioinformatics staff including 2 PhD students and 25+ project students
· Established collaborations with many institutions and universities in Singapore and India
· 2002-2002 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore
· 2001-2002 Research Fellow, School of Computing National University of Singapore, Singapore
· 1995-2001 PhD (Computer Science & Automation) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
· 1993-1995 ME (Systems Science & Automation) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
· 1990-1993 BE (Electronics & Communication Engg.) Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
1986-1990 SDE (Industrial Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.) Govt Institute of Electronics, Secunderabad, India
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