Fr (Prof) George Thadathil SDB is presently the principal of Salesian College, Sonada- Darjeeling and Siliguri, affiliated to North Bengal University. He completed his doctorate from the School of Religion and Philosophy, University of Madras, making a study on Sri Narayana Guru Movement in Kerala. He was a Junior Fellow, Indian Council of Philosophical Research during the period 1998-2000; the Head of the Department of Philosophy in the college where he works during 2000-9. He has co-edited the work Communities and Identity Consciousness: South Indian Trajectories a Madras University publication (2004) based on his research on community transitions in the last century, Cultural Identity in Nepali Language and Literature a Salesian College Sonada Publication (2005) and edited Subaltern Perspectives: Philosophizing in Context an Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, Publication (2005). He is author of Vision From the Margin: A Study of the Sri Narayana Guru Movement in the Literature of Nitya Chaitanya Yati (2007). Besides he has co-edited Sahitya Akademi publication, Cultural Linguistic Transitions in the Nepali Speech Community of Darjeeling (2008) and co-authored, Teesta on the Run (2016). His latest publication is "The Transformative Power of the One World Vision of Sri Narayana Guru" in India and Civilizational Futures: Backwaters Collective on Metaphysics and Politics II Edited by Vinay Lal (Oxford University Publication, 2019). He is the Chief Editor of Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences into its 11th year as a biannual publication. He has been co-awarded Silver Medal by the International Association of Facilitators in November 2019. He has been on Webinars, organized by the College, and invitee to over 20 webinars during the past year, as the President of AIACHE. He is the co-Director of the Seminar series on “Religious Practices in the Himalayas” an ongoing collaborative project with St Anthony’s College Shillong NEHU, Assam Silchar University, Jadavpur University and the University of Hong Kong.
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