Prof. Sreenivasa Murthy, Dean, Faculty of Dental Sciences, M.S.Ramaiah Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore has more than 25 years of Academic and Industrial experience. He has keen interests in the ?eld of Endodontics, Molecular Biology and Microsurgery. He has more than 12 National and International Publications. He is a recognised Ph.D. Guide and Life Member of Federation of Operative Dentistry in India, Pierre Fauchard Academy and Indian Dental Association.
Interest: Molecular diagnostic, Bio materials, Cariology.
Expertise: Conservative Dentistry, endodontics and Aesthetic dentistry
MDS 1987, Government Dental College, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.
BDS 1981, Government Dental College, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.
1987-1991 - V.S. Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore.
1991-1998 - Faculty of Dentistry Al -ARAB Medical University Bengazi, Libya.
1998-Till date - M.S.Ramaiah Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore/Faculty of Dental Sciences, MSRUAS.
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